Strengthens the body's defenses, accelerates recovery.
"Gray Gold" is a concentrated source of squalene, omega-3 PUFA, alkyl glycerides.
Obtained from the liver of deep-sea sharks living off the coast of Tasmania.
Adults take 1 capsule 2 times a day, morning and evening with meals.
Unique antioxidants that penetrate into the cell. They reduce allergic reactions, promote the formation of immune cells, which are very important for maintaining a healthy immune system.
Omega-3 PUFA
Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase vascular tone. Reduce cholesterol, prevent vascular damage.
Squalene (from the Latin squalus - "shark")
Antioxidant, oxygenates cells. Protects the gastrointestinal mucosa, strengthens the immune system, accelerating the recovery of a weakened body.
570 mg
Refined Shark Liver Oil
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3 | Larry | the Bird |
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