Bruno's Blog

Shark Liver Oil

Published 3 months ago5 min read4 comments
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Strengthens the body's defenses, accelerates recovery. "Gray Gold" is a concentrated source of squalene, omega-3 PUFA, alkyl glycerides. Obtained from the liver of deep-sea sharks living off the coast of Tasmania. APPLICATION

Adults take 1 capsule 2 times a day, morning and evening with meals. MAIN COMPONENTS

Alkylglycerides Unique antioxidants that penetrate into the cell. They reduce allergic reactions, promote the formation of immune cells, which are very important for maintaining a healthy immune system. Omega-3 PUFA

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase vascular tone. Reduce cholesterol, prevent vascular damage. Squalene (from the Latin squalus - "shark") Antioxidant, oxygenates cells. Protects the gastrointestinal mucosa, strengthens the immune system, accelerating the recovery of a weakened body. COMPOSITION

570 mg Refined Shark Liver Oil

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